Serenity Compliance

Streamlined Compliance Management for Organizations through AI

Serenity Compliance is a MaaS platform that makes it easier for compliance departments to meet regulatory challenges by automating document analysis, real-time monitoring and risk management, using advanced AI to keep up with changing regulations.

Designed for compliance officers

Serenity Compliance product is aimed at organizations that need to ensure regulatory compliance across their operations, manage risks, and stay aligned with local and international regulations helping them avoid potential fines and scale quickly in regulated markets. 

  • Companies and governments: organizations operating in highly regulated environments that face frequent audits. Serenity Compliance helps them continuously monitor processes and ensure real-time compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises): smaller companies that need to comply with industry-specific regulations but do not have large compliance teams. Serenity Compliance automates these processes, reducing the operational burden.
  • Startups: startups that want to ensure that their operations and technologies are compliant from the outset, which will help them avoid potential fines and scale quickly in regulated markets.
  • Technology partners: technology companies developing solutions for regulated industries that need to integrate compliance features into their products, ensuring that their end users can operate without legal risks.
  • Developers and consultants: professionals who create solutions for companies that require continuous alignment with applicable laws and policies.

What can Serenity Compliance do for me?



Automated Compliance Monitoring
The platform continuously tracks and monitors your processes to ensure they adhere to relevant regulations. This reduces the manual effort required and helps you maintain compliance at all times.



Risk Management Tools
Serenity Compliance offers features to identify, assess, and mitigate risks within your operations. These tools help you proactively address potential compliance issues before they escalate.



Audit-Ready Reporting
Generate detailed, audit-ready reports with just a few clicks. The platform provides comprehensive documentation and tracking, making it easier to respond to audits and regulatory reviews.



Real-Time Alerts and Notification
Get instant alerts if any compliance issues arise, allowing you to act quickly to resolve them and avoid potential penalties.



Customizable Policy Management
You can set up and manage policies that are specific to your industry, ensuring that your operations remain aligned with both internal and external standards.

Improve your compliance strategy

Serenity Compliance reduces the burden on compliance teams by automating critical tasks and ensuring seamless integration with your existing processes. Whether it's protecting data, managing AI interactions or tracking policy recognition, it offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining regulatory alignment with minimal effort.

Get started today!

Why choose Serenity Compliance?

1. Secure real-time analysis of LLM use

Ensure compliance in all AI interactions with real-time monitoring. Serenity Compliance continuously analyzes how large language models (LLMs) are used, instantly alerting you to potential compliance risks and violations. This proactive feature enables rapid corrective actions, keeping your operations aligned with regulatory standards.

2. Avoid exchanging confidential information

Protect your data with advanced controls that prevent sensitive information from being exposed to third-party LLM vendors. The platform can block, obfuscate or redirect data requests to ensure that sensitive information remains secure and compliant with data protection regulations.

3. Acceptance and efficient recognition of the policy

Simplify compliance with streamlined policy distribution and recognition tracking. Serenity Compliance ensures that all employees are informed and aligned with company policies, providing a clear audit trail to demonstrate compliance during regulatory audits.

4. Automated document analysis and validation

Save time and reduce errors with automated document checks. Serenity* Compliance uses AI to validate your organization's documents against regulatory requirements, flagging potential issues and providing actionable information. This ensures your organization avoids costly fines and maintains accurate compliance records.

5. Definition of customized rules for customized compliance

Define compliance rules that fit your organization's specific needs. Serenity Compliance enables you to create and enforce customized policies, ensuring that AI operations adhere to your unique regulatory and operational standards.

6. Cross-platform AI service fulfillment

Manage compliance across all AI services, regardless of platform. Serenity Compliance provides centralized monitoring, ensuring consistent standards compliance across multiple applications and services within your organization.

7. Detection of non-compliance and instant alerts

Stay informed with real-time alerts on non-compliance. The platform actively monitors AI operations and sends instant notifications if non-compliance is detected, enabling your team to quickly address issues and maintain regulatory alignment.