Serenity news
Launch your AI agent in minutes from your website and conquer WhatsApp
Efficient, fast and easy-to-customize AI; Discover the new features of Serenity AI HUB
AI agents: now managing them is easier than ever before
onboarding, customization and enhanced control in new version of Serenity Star
Learn about Artificial Intelligence and how to apply it with us.
Access our new training section with free webinars and guides to learn how to implement AI in your company and get started today!
Serena: The New AI Companion to Create Agents in Serenity Star
Serena and new features simplify the creation of AI agents.
Edit, integrate and optimize with the new features of Serenity Star AI HUB
new knowledge editing tools, cost-effective AI models and security enhancements.
AI Systems Integration: Challenges and Solutions for Business Success
Explore effective solutions for enterprise AI integration: gradual implementation, specialized tools and collaborations with AI experts.